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Leadership Qualities Demonstrated by My Seniors (Part 3)

General TNI (Ret.) Agum Gumelar is known for his intelligence, good physique, charisma, and sportsmanship. He is admired for his ability to earn sympathy from his men, superiors, colleagues, and the general public. Pak Agum is skilled in Sandi Yudha operational intelligence and has a persuasive leadership style. He is known for sticking to his principles and fearlessly criticizing his superiors when necessary, even if it jeopardizes his career. General Agum was previously under my command before becoming the commander of KOPASSUS. We had a prior acquaintance as he is related to Captain Margono, a KOPASSUS officer who served as an aide to my father. Despite any differences we may have had, I consider Pak Agum as a highly respectable leader for Indonesia.

Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Yunus Yosfiah’s leadership style is marked by his calm demeanor and self-control. He is known for never panicking, being resolute in achieving victory, and uncompromising in his expectations of his men. Pak Yunus is recognized for his strictness, often making his troops do physical exercises as punishment for mistakes. I first encountered Pak Yunus during an operation in East Timor, where he led a Special Team called Nanggala 10. His leadership philosophy of leading from the front was evident as he carried the same heavy burden as his men, setting a powerful example for them to follow.

Lieutenant General TNI (Ret.) Soegito is described as a leader who is always among his men, leading by example. He emphasizes the importance of being with his troops and ensuring everything is in order. Pak Soegito’s hands-on approach to leadership instills discipline and camaraderie among his soldiers. His presence and guidance are believed to have a positive impact on the development of his subordinates.

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